Instantly retrieve financial aid data at scale

Moneythink partners are now able to directly support students by translating financial aid letters with the DecidED API (application programming interface).

How the API Works

Collect financial
aid award letters

Submit them to
the DecidED API

Get financial aid
data reports

Who Is The DecidED API For?

College access organizations and scholarship providers that need to interpret and/or analyze a collection of student financial aid results.

College and career software service providers who want to integrate the DecidED Award Translation API key into an existing software service.

Translate up to 300 Letters for Free

Moneythink is committed to keeping the API accessible and affordable for partners. Any organization can translate up to 300 letters for free over the lifetime of their account. Beyond that, Moneythink bills partners monthly based on account activity:

  • New organization accounts can translate up to 300 letters for free.
  • Includes access to the DecidED database of US college costs, demographic data, and translated letter results.
  • All accounts include tech documentation, email support, error responses, and customer control of their data settings.
  • See Moneythink’s Privacy Policy for our data protection policies.
  • DecidED automatically translates hundreds of letters within minutes into a downloadable CSV report
  • Moneythink team members will optionally review any letter that does not pass through automatic review at the discretion of the customers
  • Manual reviews are completed after 1 or more business days, depending on the number of letters uploaded, based on an average of 100 letters per day

Enterprise customers should contact us for details on premium features and pricing

How Can the DecidED API Support Your Organization?

Integrate the DecidED Award Translation API key into an existing software service

  • Collect student award image files within your own software and integrate with the DecidED API to automatically process the images and receive individual award data reports.

Make data-driven decisions about student needs based on transparent and aggregated financial aid reward data

  • Track student and financial aid results, including levels of affordability, typical gaps, and identify students who need additional support.
  • Use data insights to refine your program interventions.

Go to the API knowledge base to get started. Developers can read the technical documentation for integrating DecidED’s API into their current programs and systems.

Partner Success Story: 10,000 Degrees

10,000 Degrees, a college success organization in Northern California, is an early adopter of the DecidED API. Thanks to the DecidED API, 10,000 Degrees made major strides in the important work they do serving students.

10,000 Degrees saved 3.5 minutes per award letter = 100+ hours of manual input time.

The DecidED API’s translated results allowed 10,000 Degrees to:


of award letters translated in less than 30 minutes

Assess the average and individual student financial aid gaps (like direct costs and scholarships)


of letters identified as invalid financial aid documents that needed to be resubmitted by the student

Access a list of invalid letters from students who needed further follow-up


of award letters were manually reviewed by Moneythink

Review aggregated data to identify types of award letters their students are getting, like specific state and institutional grants

Connect with us today to learn how DecidED’s API can help your organization.

“The DecidED API has been an invaluable resource for us in the collection and analysis of over 1,700 financial aid award letters. The API took what used to be a very manual process and changed it into an automated system that has saved us hundreds of hours.”

– Jin Choi, Director of Scholarship Programs, 10,000 Degrees